Chinese New Year (CNY) is around the corner! Spring Clean is one of the many CNY traditions that Chinese still adopt. Inspired by the current famous decluttering genius, Marie Kondo, who owns a show Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix, Team 513 Paint Diary would love to present you a simple guide to decluttering and organizing your space in 1 week! (there are only 8 days till CNY!)
Photo from Netflix
Day 1-3: Decluttering
Day 4-6: Organizing

Photo from Style By Emily Henderson Blog
When it comes to cosmetics, skin cares and small items that you use it daily, trays are the best option to store them. Pop them into shelves and just pull them out every time you need them. Want to maximize spaces in every tray? Besides buying plastic (not so eco-friendly!) dividers available in household shops, you can actually create your personalized pretty dividers! Use leftover food boxes such as cereal boxes and wrap them up with colourful wrapping papers. There you go, personalized nicely divided trays! For detailed DIY steps, go check out iheartOrganizing!
Photos from iheartOrganizing
Photo from Style By Emily Henderson Blog
Shelves must have given you an impression of tall and bulky ones. Luckily, many furniture shops now offer skinny shelves, which are the greatest choice for Hong Kong cramped homes!
Photo from Style By Emily Henderson Blog
Labelled jars
I am sure this will not be unfamiliar with people who love to cook! Organize your seasonings and snacks into elegant glass jars and have them labelled! This is at the same time eco-friendly and stylish as well! Don’t be limited to the kitchen area, you can also apply jars in your bathroom. Use your creativity!
Photo from A Pair & A Spare
Now, you have your refreshing organized home. What are you going to do on your 7th day? Remember all the items you eliminated on the first 3 days? You can either share the usable items to your community (Read Resources sharing for Green Living) or upcycle them! (forgot what is Upcycling? Refer to our previous blog entry on Upcycling for Beginners: Painting Furniture!) Upgrade your unused items to something useful according to your style. In 1 week, you have done your spring clean by decluttering, organizing and creating new household items that are eco-friendly!
Team 513 wish you all a Happy Chinese New Year!
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